Under the ideology of always striving for a higher value for our customers, we established the following code of ethics to leverage ourselves into a company that contributes to its nation and society through an ethical business administration.
Our code of ethics establishes the standards and principles of ethical valuation for each and every person of interest.
Code of Ethics
01.Basic Duties
Become a trusted and respected corporation for its foundation of ethical and sustainable business administration that is non-negotiable about essentials and principles
We shall pursue continuous innovation in our business administration and strengthen our growing capacity to increase our corporation value. We shall establish an ethical corporation culture so that we are a company that customers want to do business with, a company stockholders want to invest in, and a company employees want to work for. We will leverage ourselves together with each and every person of interest.
02.Customers and Client Companies
Prioritize customer value as the first priority of our business administration and provide the best technological capacities, production power, and reliable follow-up services
We shall be fair in opportunities provided to our partners and guarantee reasonable business conditions to develop each relationship into a partnership. With our competitors, we shall pursue competition of good will and abide by fair trade order.
Gain just profit through transparent decision-making and efficient business administration
We shall increase our corporation value through our unceasingly innovative business administration and our strategy for growth. We shall respect our stockholders' rights and interests in investment profit as well as provide our stockholders all necessary information at the appropriate time.
04.Management and Employees
Respect national policies and all related regulations as a corporate citizen and fulfill our social responsibilities as a law-abiding business administration
We shall respect the local society's tradition and culture and do our utmost to promote shared prosperity and progress. As a principle, with respect to human rights, environment, culture, economy, etc., we shall abide by approved international laws and local country's laws and accounting standards, etc.